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Welcome to the city of your dreams.

Named after one of the most luminous stars in the sky, Fomalhaut is the capital city of South Korea, brimming with life and more of what it has in store. It is known to be the city of dream catchers, and though small, the people are often perceived as friends, if not associates. Talented young ones and even retired folks live in Fomalhaut to enjoy a relaxing yet fast-paced life. If you're tired of living in big cities yet find small ones dull, Fomalhaut will be the perfect sub in for you! It's a place where everyone can have fun, and at the same time befriend people who may be a part of the next chapter of their lives.

Parallel is set in an alternate universe (or parallel universe) where your face claim is not an idol. Parallel is a city and apartment roleplay that centers in the city of Fomalhaut, a place bearing the same resemblance to the city of Seoul, South Korea. The roleplay aims to bring people together and create a welcoming community for everyone to have fun and create long-lasting friendships.

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